On Friday 29th May 2020, the Chancellor announced that there will be an extension to the Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS).
The extension to the scheme will be available to those people whose self-employed trade continues to be or is newly affected by COVID19.
If you are eligible you will be able to make a second and final claim in August 2020. It will be worth 70% of average trading profits based on the same criteria as the first claim, (but you do not have to have previously made a claim to be eligible), capped at £6570 in total.
If you are eligible for the first claim but have not yet done so you must make the claim by no later than 13 July 2020, or you will lose your entitlement to claim.
Both the first and second claims are grants. They do not have to be repaid, but they are treated as taxable income and if you are claiming Universal Credit should be included in your income declaration