Colin Wilks & Co Limited Chartered Certified Accountants
Colin Wilks & Co LimitedChartered Certified Accountants

So you want your own limited company?

Colin Wilks & Co can deal with this for you and help you complete the necessary paperwork to ensure that your company is properly set up and registered at Companies House.

All you have to do is decide the name of your company and (provided the name is available) we'll do the rest. All for a simple one off fee.

These days many businesses also recognise the benefits of a website address that uses their company name (subject to availablity) we can register your own domain name too. But we're not web site designers, you'll have to do the creative bit!

Our fee for forming a company includes discussing with you the roles and responsibilities of company directors, the difference between directors and shareholders and how to structure your company to reflect your business.


Colin Wilks & Co Limited

Suite 2, Douglas House

32-34 Simpson Road

Fenny Stratford,



Making an appointment

If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment please contact us:


Tel: 01908 805080



Alternatively, please use our contact form.

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© Colin Wilks & Co Limited A company registered in England & Wales, Registration number 04832012 Registered Office: Suite 2, Douglas House, 32-34 Simpson Road, Fenny Stratford, Buckinghamshire MK1 1BA