Colin Wilks & Co Limited Chartered Certified Accountants
Colin Wilks & Co LimitedChartered Certified Accountants


Companies House regulates the structure of Limited Companies by requiring that certain changes in the structure of the company, its officers and owners are appropriately notified to them either electronically or using official documentation. This process can appear complicated to people who only use it occasionally and there are fines for failing to comply with the rules!


Colin Wilks & Co can undertake to complete the process for your company so that you comply with the regulations. We do not act as an officer of your company, you merely delegate the tasks of completing the process to us whilst you retain the control.


In addition to notifying any changes, you also have to complete a Confirmation Statement to confirm that the details held by Companies House are correct. Colin Wilks & Co can complete this process for you too. If your company is not newly incorporated by us then we'll ask you to confirm the current details to us. Then if there are any changes you must notify us so that we can maintain an accurate record for your company. Then when your Confirmation Statement is due we'll complete the return based on the information we have on file for you.


If you take money out of your company as dividends then if you advise us of your dividend decisions, we can include the recording of the dividend in the company's records and the preparation of the appropriate documents as part of our company secretarial service.


We can also act as your Registered Office address if you want so that any official documents are sent to us.



Colin Wilks & Co Limited

Suite 2, Douglas House

32-34 Simpson Road

Fenny Stratford,



Making an appointment

If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment please contact us:


Tel: 01908 805080



Alternatively, please use our contact form.

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© Colin Wilks & Co Limited A company registered in England & Wales, Registration number 04832012 Registered Office: Suite 2, Douglas House, 32-34 Simpson Road, Fenny Stratford, Buckinghamshire MK1 1BA